
Wednesday 17 February 2016


I took a break. I took a plane. I took granola. Easy to make, possible to pack, granola is a simple breakfast that seems a little more luxurious than the everyday. There are a million recipes out there, but this one came recommended by a friend I trust in all things cooking. I'd made it before, for another friend just home from hospital, but never for myself. While many such cereals are overwhelmingly sweet, this one skews almost savoury, the maple syrup providing the sugar balanced with an almost equal amount of olive oil. There's shredded coconut and oats for chewing, nuts for crunching, and a fat dollop of Greek yoghurt to smooth it all out. It's breakfast to make you feel like you're on holidays, no matter where you are - a good start to any day.

Adapted from Molly Wizenberg's blog Orangette 

I halved this recipe and it made two trays' worth, which is a lot. But by all means make the full amount. It will keep at room temperature for a couple of weeks but if you don't think you'll get through it all in that time, it's possible to freeze it too.

600g (6 cups) rolled oats (not quick cook) 
100 to 150g (about 2-3 loose cups) shredded coconut (unsweetened)
400g nuts (3-4 cups), chopped (I used almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts) 
2 tsp sea salt
1 cup (240 ml) maple syrup
2/3 cup (160 ml) olive oil 

Position racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven, and preheat to 300 deg F. Line two rimmed baking sheets with baking paper.

Measure the dry ingredients into a large bowl, and stir well. Add the maple syrup and olive oil, and stir to evenly coat. Divide the mixture between the two prepared sheets, spread it out, and bake, stirring the granola and flipping the pans once or twice, until golden brown, about 40 minutes. Check every 15 minutes as it’s baking, gauging for doneness by colour: what you want is a nice, even browning.

Allow to cool completely, then transfer the granola to airtight containers. Eat with plain yogurt, milk, or on its own.

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